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Glenmore Match Play Championship

Signups are now closed! Good luck to all who are playing!

Open to men and women of all skill levels, as long as you have a USGA handicap.

Tees: Men 49 and under play blue tees, men 50-64 play white tees, men 65 and over play gold tees. Women 49 & under play red tees, ladies 50-64 play red/green tees and ladies 65 & over play green tees. Cards will be adjusted accordingly. Men and women 50 & over and men and women 65 & over are not required to play the tee dictated by their age and can move back one or two tees if they'd like. Choose your tees below.

Play begins flighted by handicap index as of 4/28/24 (four flights A, B, C, D), and is singles match play. The higher-handicapped player will receive the full difference between the course handicaps (100%) of the two players. The lower-handicapped player shall compete from scratch. Player’s will use their day of Handicap Index the day the match is played. Golf staff will mark/dot all cards. Please notify the golf shop in advance so the card will be ready before the tee time.

The entry fee is $20 per player and includes flight prizes and the overall trophy. Full rules and further details can be found here. Signups close Sunday 4/28, and first round matches can be played anytime between 5/1 and 5/28

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